The Internet of Things, or IoT for short, is projected to undergo massive growth with 4.9 billion IoT-connected devices in 2015 and more than 25 billion predicted to be in use by 2020, according to Gartner.

IoT appeals across a broad base of industry sectors and fields and it can deliver a wide range of technological functions with opportunities in the cloud, security, capacity, growth, environmental and consumer-based device segments. Measurable gains from IoT are being found across many sectors of business.

IoT ties in with big data, which as defined on TechRepublic as the "massive amount of rapidly moving and freely available data that potentially serves a valuable and unique need in the marketplace, but is extremely expensive and difficult to mine by traditional means." Through its flexibility, IoT can fill in where mining difficulties exist. As IoT spreads across almost all industries it will trigger a massive influx of big data and spawn new methods for harvesting, analyzing and using this information.

To watch a video summary of the research outlined in the report, visit TechRepublic.

How organizations are using big data

To find out how organizations are using big data, and who is using it with IoT, Tech Pro Research conducted a survey of 318 respondents. The survey focused on several aspects of big data and IoT:

  • Who is collecting big data
  • Who is using IoT to collect external or internal data
  • Reasons for not using IoT to collect data
  • Methods of collecting data
  • How data is being used
  • Security of data
  • IT budgeting
  • IT staff requirements

Download the full Tech Pro Research report, The Power of IoT and Big Data.

Big data projects on the rise

Tech Pro Research found that 30% of respondents indicated they had undergone a big data project. This corroborates a Tech Pro Research report from fall 2013 in which 20% of respondents indicated they had implemented big data and another 26% stated they intended to do so. Clearly the concept has advanced into greater use as planned.

Certain industry segments have gravitated more towards big data than others. Manufacturing (72%), Logistics & Transport (66%), and IT & Technology (63%) respondents were most likely to report implementing, or planning to implement, big data. Conversely, Healthcare, Education and BusinessServices/Consulting were the least likely industries to do so.

IoT for data collection

After establishing big data usage trends, Tech Pro Research examined similar concepts for the use of IoT devices for data collection. Among respondents, 29% reported using IoT and another 26% indicated they will be starting soon. However, a hefty component (45%) reported no such plans.

Concrete gains

Overall, the research showed that matching up IoT with big data is yielding concrete gains both for the internal and external collection of data. This technology is giving businesses the opportunity to use information to improve their bottom line; to identify customer needs, to make better products, to look ahead over the horizon and see what's coming, to spot potential risks, to make better-informed decisions, and to operate more efficiently.

Whether for internal infrastructural needs or public-facing services, respondents to the survey show that IoT and big data are building a solid track record among the majority who have taken the plunge.

To read more, download the full Tech Pro Research report, The Power of IoT and Big Data.